Thursday, May 17, 2012

Crossing the midwest

After Oklahoma City we had a few days of long drives, crossing many states.

From Oklahoma to Missouri.
 We stayed in a great RV park in Springfield, MO where Matthew was able to burn off some energy.

 For dinner we had pizza and Route 66 Beer (or is it Route Beer/Root Beer).
After that we crossed the Mississippi River into Illinois.

 Just inside the state line we visited Cahokia Mounds State Park.  This contains the largest set of Indian Mounds in North America.  At one time (before about 1300) there were 20,000 people living in this area.  They had a very organized society with burial mounds and worship mounds, etc.

It was interesting to visit this site because it tied in with the Mound builders who Matthew has been studying in Ohio history and it was also around the same time period as the ancient Pueblo villages we had seen in the west.

Matthew leaned a new game of "toss and catch."
 The main mound is over 100 feet high.
 We spent the night in Casey, Illinois (not much to say there) and drove into Indiana the next day.  (Sorry, no sign saying Welcome to Indiana).  We are staying at a state park where there are lots of trees and we can have a fire (in a pit).  Here is part of the family enjoying the campsite while Bill prepares for the Culver reunion.

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