Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cody Wyoming

One thing we are finding is that each place we visit has lots and lots of things to do and see.  We're sorry to leave, but we press on, keeping with the grand plan.  We left Rapid City yesterday (Thursday?) morning and quickly drove out of South Dakota and into Wyoming.  It was very windy and we could see the grass waving.

Our first stop in Wyoming was Devils Tower National Monument.  There is quite a bit of wildlife there.  Prairie dogs, wild turkeys and deer.

As we approached the tower it was very cloudy, with some clouds obscuring the tower. But quickly the skies cleared.  It was an impressive sight.

We couldn't spend much time there because we had another 300 or so miles to drive to Cody.  The Wyoming terrain was similar to South Dakota with fewer trees.  As we drove across the prairie we could see snow-capped mountains in the distance.  These were the Big Horn mountain range.  The maximum elevation for the road was about 8,000 feet.  The road was amazing.  We were able to buzz through at about 50 to 60 MPH most of the time.  There was a very scenic ski resort near the peak with a lake. 

As we descended we were in a narrow canyon with steep walls and a rushing creek at the bottom.  There were a number of switchbacks and we had to slow to 20 MPH.   Beth would have preferred 10.  The views were breathtaking and each turn revealed even more spectacular sights.  It would have been good to spend a full day just in that canyon, but we pushed on...

The pictures don't really do it justice.

After leaving the Big Horn mountains we were on a high plain, the Big Horn depression or something like that.  The terrain was extremely varied, with rolling hills in places and bad lands.  We could see another range of mountains in the distance, the ones for Yellowstone park.  We arrived at Cody (founded by William "Buffalo Bill" Cody) at about 7 PM and quickly went to a western musical review in an historic theatre.  This was done by a small combo of singers.

On Friday we took a break from our relentless driving and spent the day goofing off in Cody.  The Buffalo Bill historical center is considered the "Smithsonian of the West" and we could certainly see why. There were a number of exhibits about Buffalo Bill's life as well as exhibits on native Americans and a natural history museum.  We spent a few hours there (not enough for Bill but too much for Beth and Matthew) and then went into the downtown area to do some shopping!  Matthew got a western belt and spurs (he already has boots).

In the evening there is a shootout outside the hotel that was built by Buffalo Bill.  Of course the good guys win.

A note about our hotel.  Each of our hotel lobbies have been decorated with stuffed animals.  The one in Cody takes the prize for the most, however.  Matthew counted 36 or so.

Bill looks tired in this picture. Maybe too much driving!

On Friday night in Cody the big thing to do is the rodeo!  Actually, this might be the big thing EVERY night, since they do it nightly, for tourists.  Matthew even got into the action.  They have all the kids under 13 get together in the arena floor and then they release three calves with ribbons tied on them. The kids run around like crazy and try to get the ribbons for prizes.  Matthew was a fast runner but didn't come up with any prizes.  This is something he shares with the performers, most of whom were either thrown from their bull or horse, or didn't rope the calf in time. 

Tomorrow we enter Yellowstone!  Looking forward to it.


  1. Grandma, Kim and Tom just viewed the blog!! HeHa! Sounds like a great time. Keep the pictures coming. We are celebrating Jason's birthday today.

  2. I guess you were right about the pizza place we went to being a good kick off for your trip - got you ready for all those taxidermied furry folks on the walls :) We had an exciting day today - we got a new puppy. Hope you are enjoying you trip - the pictures are great!
