Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yellowstone Lake Hotel

Just a few notes on where we stayed while in Yellowstone. It was the Yellowstone Lake Hotel, a rather nice place. Matthew might even say "fancy smancy." It's one of those old historic places, but it's been refurbished and our room was small but nice.

It's one of those kinds of hotels that provide bathrobes... We don't usually stay in "those kind" of hotels, but Matthew was all for taking full advantage of it.

Also, the hotel is very "green" - environmental aware.  There is a trash can in the room but also a recycling can.

And the soap...  Whoops, it's not really soap.  It's "Waste Reducing Exfoliating Body Cleanser."  Huh?  Okay, so we can understand how "soap" can be called "body cleanser" in a fancy smancy hotel, but what about waste reducing?  Well, studies show that in hotel rooms, people frequently don't use the full bar of soap, so the center part is wasted.  These people (the company is "Green Natura" - maybe you can get this over the web) came up with soap without a center!  Holy soap!

The package even claims that the soap is "ergonomically shaped."  As a former human factors person, I was quite intrigued by this.  Take a look at the shape.  Fits right in your hand, and makes smooth contact with your body...  Good human factors design!

You can also see little flecks of something, maybe oatmeal.  This is organic soap!

How did it work?  Here are some before and after pictures.  As you can see, no wasted center!

Yes, I took these pictures!  Matthew and Beth were packing and getting ready to go and I was taking pictures of soap!

I suggested we take some bars and give them out as Christmas presents.  Matthew said no, people don't want soap!  Even environmentally friendly, ergonomically shaped soap in a "carton made from naturally recycled packing printed with soy based inks."  (Quoting from the package.)

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