Saturday, July 3, 2010

Glacier High Points

Saturday, July 3.

We're in Seattle now. We spent three nights in lodges in Glacier NP and not one of them had wifi!  This will be a quick post before we take off for sightseeing in Seattle.

Day One in Glacier

We were staying in the East Glacier Lodge, one of those stately western-style lodges made with huge logs, big, open fireplaces, and gorgeous views of the mountains.

This is also a rustic lodge, with original plumbing from 90 plus years ago!  Matthew enjoyed the tub.

Day Two

During the day we took a boat ride on a small lake and then a short hike.  Matthew is learning more and more about the geology and ecology of the park.  The views were magnificent.

We moved to another lodge - one in a place called Many Glaciers.  This area of the park has two 'active' glaciers.  We took a boat across a lake and then did hiking up to a glacier lake.  Not sure the pictures will captures this, but lakes fed by glaciers have a distinct color.  The glaciers grind against the rock and produce "glacier flour" which is suspended in the water for 100 years or so.  The water is very green-blue.

Day Three

This was the day for the drive across the peak of Glacier - "Going to the Sun Road."  This was built in the 1930s and they are still working on it!  There was about 6 feet of snow at the visitor center at Logan Pass, the highest point.  Even some sheep showed up!

For me, Glacier Park was the best part of the trip so far.  The mountains are really majestic.  Thousands of books have been written about it. One writer called this the "Crown of the Continent" and it certainly applies.

1 comment:

  1. BBM

    Glacier NP looks very nice. It is very hot - 99 degrees at Lakeside. We enjoy seeing the picture and reading the blog. We are doing well. We saw the parade at Lakeside. Hope you saw some fireworks in Seattle.
    Lots of Love - Kim - Best Regards - Tom
