Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Topeka, Kansas

Today is Tuesday but I'm writing about what we did last Friday, June 20.  I'm behind on the blog because of poor or non-existent wifi connections at the RV parks where we stay.  Today we are in Nebraska but, in the interest of telling our story in the proper sequence, I'll write about our quick trip to Kansas.

We did a marathon drive last Friday from Jefferson City, MO, to our campsite on the west side of Kansas City, MO, to get in the Jeep to drive another 90 minutes to Topeka, KS to see the capitol and the Brown vs. Board of Education National Historic Park.  We had seen the capitol about four years ago on the return from our northwest trip but this time we actually went inside and took a tour.

 There is a statue of a Native American at the top.  Just below him, around the top of the dome, you can see a guard rail.  People are allowed to climb to the top of the dome (inside, of course) and get a good view of Topeka.
A statue of Lincoln outside the capitol.  That has been very common with the capitols we've visited on this trip.
The state has just finished a 12 year restoration project on the capitol and it was really stunning.  There is a history museum in the basement and you can see the foundation blocks.  John Brown the abolitionist is featured very prominently.  The remainder of the building has lots of marble and copper.

 An original early 1900 elevator, with an operator!

 Matthew was able to sit in the chair of the Supreme Court!

 This is their two story law library.  It has glass floors!
After the tour we made a quick dash to the Brown vs. Board of Education National Historic site.  I'm sure our readers remember that historic school desegregation decision.  The building is the elementary school (for blacks only) that Mr. Brown's daughter attended.  There were about five separate cases challenging school segregation and the Supreme Court grouped them together.  Thurgood Marshal was the lead lawyer for the NAACP.  As you know, he later joined the Supreme Court as a justice.  The displays were very informational, giving the entire sweep of the treatment of slaves and African Americans.

Although we had not intended it, this trip really hit on major parts of the civil rights struggle in the US.  We visited the site of MLK's death in Memphis, Little Rock High School, and the site of Brown vs. Board of Education in Topeka.

This picture is not really accurate since the school was blacks only, but it represents the separate facilities for blacks in America before this decision.
Matthew was able to get another Jr. Ranger.

After our activities in Kansas, we returned to the Missouri side of the Missouri River to rest up for our KC activities over the weekend.  I'll write about that in a separate post.

Matthew's Notes:  When in Rome do as the Romans
  • It's a long way to Topeka from Jefferson City!

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